Industrial Hemp

Cannabis we have heard of, but Hemp? It is nothing but a variant; Cannabis Sativa. L plants with a THC (tetrahydrocannabinol: the compound in cannabis that makes it psychoactive and gives us the feeling of “being high”) level <= 0.3%. And nope, they are not new to the world of cannabis. It is one of the long, strong, durable and not to forget sustainable natural fibre known to humankind.
Hemp is believed to be the “trillion-dollar crop that helps the sky breathe and soil to heal.” It is one of the most promising sources for a sustainable future: a whole new universe of uses to be tapped into. Especially in the context of sustainable development and economic impact.
When we think of a versatile crop there’s nothing that comes close to replacing hemp. With a long history of being a multifaceted crop, Hemp has its applications spread over industries.

Hemp is a one-stop, versatile plant that paves way for sustainable living. Cultivation of Hemp helps with pesticide control. Being naturally resistant to pests it hardly requires pesticides or herbicides, quite unlike cotton or flax. Its benefits don’t stop here. Hemp is capable of restoring soil fertility and absorbing toxic metals.
Hemp is a sustainable, eco-friendly replacement for plastics, cotton etc. The plant can grow in 3 to 4 months making it a more viable raw material for paper than trees. Besides, Hemp requires little care to grow and flourish.
Here’s a list of things Hemp is popular for :
- Hemp seeds and oil are rich in fatty acids, vitamins, fibre and proteins. Hemp is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties.
- Hemp grows faster, provides a better yield and guess what? It helps combat deforestation and the climate crisis.
- Hemp fibre – It is not just the textile industry that makes use of Hemp fibre. Hemp can also be used to prepare ropes and sails.
- Being a plant that produces a lot of biomass, Hemp is a potential source of ethanol fuel.
- As a building material – Hemp is cheaper than wood/timber and is a better material for insulation. It is also mixed with other fibres to create sturdy materials that are used in multiple industrial components like in car.